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24 Hours Mon - Sun




LockRite Locksmiths

0800 0612 677

07801 733788

Expert Locksmiths Near You

0800 0612 677

07801 733788

Expert Locksmiths Near You

How Safe Is Your Neighbourhood?

Enter your full postcode below to check recent crime statistics for your local area using the crime database.

Use our app to discover the local crime statistics for your area.

Our 'How Safe Is Your Neighbourhood' app uses official statistics from the crime statistics database to keep you updated on reports of crime in your neighbourhood.

If you've been a victim of burglary, or your window's been smashed, you should inform the police immediately. If there's damage to your locks, doors or windows, LockRite can help. We provide lock and door repairs as well as boarding up for broken or shattered windows for both domestic and commercial properties including uPVC windows and glass store fronts.

Tilt your device horizontally to view crime statistics in your area using our interactive map.

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Locksmiths Near You

All LockRite locksmiths live within the locality they serve or close enough for a short commute.

Trained Locksmiths

All LockRite locksmiths are trained by experts and continue their training throughout their career.

No Unnecessary Fee's

We won't charge you a call out fee.

Work Guaranteed

Our work is guaranteed with a 12 month manufacturers warranty on parts and 90 days guarantee on all workmanship.