From Lock Changes and Emergency Entry to Boarding Up and Commercial Work, we've got it covered.
Our trained and sympathetic call handling team deal with your calls 24/7 365 days a year and will assume full responsibility of your customer’s unique issue to ensure that their problems are resolved courteously and efficiently with the mininmum of fuss, using our in-house designed bespoke specialist allocation system.
Furthermore, our fully vetted, qualified, trained and DBS checked nationwide network of locksmiths are on hand 24/7 365 days a year to deliver an ethical, professional and trustworthy emergency repair service, as well as being able to accommodate planned works both in domestic residential as well as commercial environments.
Our electronic job system enables you to view real time job updates and reports through our secure online portal. We also use a range of job allocation software, including QR code readers and check in, check out systems, on behalf of our clients every day. With our in house web, app and database development team, we can tailor our own software to your particular needs.
We can offer your business a one stop solution to all your Locksmith requirements.
LockRite Job Portal