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What You Can Do With A Smartphone and a Smart Home

Smart home technology is continuing to evolve. While voice-command lights are neat, the focus is on smartphones. Now you can use your phone as a portal to your home.

Let’s go over some features your house can have and how they improve your life:

You Can Control the Temperature

Setting the thermostat can be a real dilemma. On the one hand, you want to come home after work to a warm and cozy house. On the other hand, you don’t want to waste money heating an empty house while you’re gone.

Your smart home can have the best of both worlds. By using your phone to control the thermostat, you can turn the heat on just as you’re going home.

You waste less money and still get the right temperature when you want it. You can also automate the process. If something unexpected happens, though, you can adjust.

It’s features like these that really warm our hearts. You’re in control of your home, wherever you are.What You Can Do With A Smartphone and a Smart Home

You Can Always Keep an Eye on Your Smart Home

Some of the biggest advantages of the technology are in the security department. Let’s break it down into three points:

Smart home technology empowers you to protect your home proactively. You are better prepared both for burglars and clumsy guests.

You Can Monitor Battery levels

Everyone has had to endure the constant chirping of low-battery smoke alarms. It’s part of the experience of being a homeowner.

That’s about to change though. Most smart house appliances can send you a notification on your phone about the battery level.

Annoying beeps aside, such a feature can save lives. There’s no chance that something like an alarm or smoke detector will run out of juice without you knowing.

Battery level notifications not only make your home more convenient. They make it safer.

You Can Check Your Detectors Remotely

While we were on the subject, sensors deserve attention too. While fire is a real danger, it’s not the only one.

Gas or CO leaks are possible catastrophes. If you get a leak, it’s important to know before you enter the house. Turning the lights on or breathing in CO can lead to disaster.

The detector can send a notification to your phone when something goes wrong. That means that you know the danger before entering the house.

This feature, together with the one we mentioned before make your smart home safer than ever.

Are There Other Things You Can Do?

Yes, there are loads of devices on the market and more on the way. You can control a myriad of stuff with your phone. There are smart sprinklers, windows, lights, lower outlets and much more.

Getting a smart home now not only brings you many advantages. It sets you up for what’s to come.

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