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Top Five Most Secure Buildings

Have you ever wondered what the most secure buildings in the world are? Wonder no more, as we count down the top five most secure buildings in the real world – and the worlds of our imaginations.

Top Five Most Secure Fictional Buildings

black book with chain, isolated on white5. The Bank (Ocean’s Thirteen)

The Ocean’s series revolves around crooks getting into the heart of near-impenetrable buildings, and The Bank in Ocean’s Thirteen proved to be the most secure yet seen. This is mainly down to the advanced computer system known as The Greco, which used a variety of biometrics to ensure that players aren’t cheating. It took the channel tunnel drill to shut it down. Casinos are regularly well defended in films, but The Bank wins.

4. Hogwarts (Harry Potter)

Hogwarts could be seen as both the best and worst defended property in fiction. It has superb security personnel, with the greatest wizards in the land protecting it alongside fearsome magical statues, enormous gates and no-doubt a wealth of defensive magic. However, several villains and dangerous creatures did slip inside its walls, even killing students. That’s why it is only the fourth most secure fictional property.

3. The Citadel (Half-Life 2)

City 17’s Citadel is enormous, swarming with soldiers and near-impenetrable to start with. The dystopian city it towers over was filled with checkpoints, meaning ne’er do wells will find it a tremendous challenge to even reach The Citadel. Any individual who managed to get inside would be greeted by the trigger-happy soldiers belonging to the fascistic Combine.

2. The Death Star (Star Wars)

The Death Star is a space station that functions as a flying military base, and is fearsome defensively and offensively. Ships flying near it should be prepared for threats including a tractor beam, starfighters, gun turrets and a giant superlaser. Anyone who manages to infiltrate should be prepared for hundreds of armed Imperial personnel and the Force skills of Sith Lord Darth Vader. However, despite all this, it was destroyed by a single perfectly-located missile, meaning that it can’t take the top spot.

1. Barad-dur (The Lord of the Rings)

This might be a contentious choice, but the home of Sauron is both well-defended and lacks of the weaknesses of its competitors. It sits in Mordor, protected by horrific armies of Orcs, and strikes terror into enemies. Those who venture into Mordor would have to possess the One Ring and throw it into Mount Doom to destroy the tower. However, the Ring has a corrupting influence on those around it, making the act near – if not totally – impossible.

Top Five Most Secure Real Buildings

surveillance camera to see all main points of the great metropol

5. Bold Lane Car Park

A car park? One of the best secured buildings? Surely not? You might think differently when you realise that each parking spot has a motion sensor activated by your parking ticket, and that the building has an automatic lockdown if a sensor is triggered. This is of course just one security measure, with all of them combining to ensure that your car probably couldn’t be safer.

4. Area 51

What’s inside Area 51? It seems that it’s purely the development of military aircraft. However, ongoing mystery in regards to current activities, and due to its closed nature, makes it seem defended. Guards protect the perimeter in vehicles, with signs making it clear that anyone moving into it will be shot. It’s strictly forbidden to fly through its airspace without permission. No matter how defended it really is, the strength of its deterrents make it secure.

3. Federal Reserve Bank (New York)

This is arguably the world’s most famous facility storing gold, just behind “Fort Knox”. It is not only patrolled by armed officers, but its vault is heavily defended and carefully constructed. The vault rests on Manhattan’s bedrock eighty feet below street level and about fifty below street level, has motions sensors and cameras (1), and is secured by an air and watertight steel cylinder when closed (1). Its security is no surprise considering that it stores the world’s largest supply of monetary gold.

2. ADX Florence

This prison is secure for a pretty good reason; it houses some of the world’s most dangerous criminals. The building has, naturally, been designed to make escape and entry as difficult as possible. Most inmates are in solitary confinement for 23 hours. The building’s design makes direction difficult to perceive, and motion sensors cameras are inside the prison. Outside are razor-wire fences, armed guards and pressure pads. No wonder it’s referred to as the ‘Alcatraz of the Rockies’.

1. US Bullion Depository, Fort Knox

The US Bullion Depository, a.k.a. Fort Knox, is undoubtedly the most secure building on Earth. Four fences (two electric), four feet of granite walls, armed guards, locked doors, a 22-ton vault door, and an access code not known in whole by any one individual prevent your entry to the building’s vault. And it’s set on a military base from which it gets its name. It’s not really a surprise that it hasn’t seen any thefts.

Of course, security for any buildings begins with good locks. If you would like a security survey or know you need an upgrade, call us on 0800 0612 677 for a free, no obligation quote.

Sources: Facts sourced from Wikipedia pages on each topic with exceptions listed below.

(1) http://www.newyorkfed.org/aboutthefed/goldvault.html


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LockRite Locksmiths

LockRite Locksmiths

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