Getting burgled can be an incredibly emotionally distressing experience, especially when valuable or sentimental belongings are lost. Earlier this month, we looked at Smart Water as a method of marking your property, increasing the chances of it being returned to you if found by the police. However, if you are not willing to pay for this subscription service, a free alternative fully supported by the police is available in the form of Immobilise.
Immobilise works in association with the National Mobile Property Register (NMPR), and is an online service where subscribers can register their valuables with the database, add photos, descriptions etc. so that in the case of their property being stolen and then found by Police, it can easily be returned to them. With almost 30,000,000 items registered it is the world’s largest free property register, and used by all 43 Police forces in the UK. It will also help greatly with insurance claims and crime reports as you have a way to show exactly what was taken and the preventative measures you had in place.

Though this is a free service, they also offer several additional products which you can pay for such as electronic tags for bikes, barcode stickers, and window stickers, which can all help to further deter burglars. Similar to Smart Water, the success rate of the service in returning stolen items to their owners means that simply displaying the Immobilise logo in your window could help scare off a potential thief.
If you would like to find out more about Immobilise, why not visit their website:
The first step towards beating burglary is ensuring that your door and window locks are British Standard approved, if you have any queries or would like a locksmith to survey your home security, call LockRite on 0800 0612 677 or visit our main site to find a locksmith in your area