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How Smart Home Technology Can Help You Save Money

The popularity of smart home devices has increased in the last few years and for good reason. They not only keep our home safe and give us peace of mind, but they can also help us save money.

Even though smart home technology can be a little bit pricier than your regular home devices, on the long-term, it can prove to be a solid investment.

Are you curious to find out how to save money with smart home tech? Then keep reading to find out what type of devices can help you with this.

1. Smart LED Lighting

Smart LED bulbs not only last a lot longer, but they also use way less energy than incandescent light bulbs.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, you can save up to £35 per year on your electricity bills by simply switching to LED lighting.

There are many different companies you can buy smart lights from. The majority of them allow you to control the lights remotely through your smartphone, even when you’re not at home.

This means you can check at every moment if you’ve left the light on and turn it off, if necessary.

2. Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats can help you make better decisions when it comes to how much heat you’re using. This type of smart home technology can also make recommendations on how you can cut back on heating and save money on your energy bills.

They can be remotely controlled which will help you manage the heating settings more efficiently, even when you’re not at home.

First Utility and EDF Energy, two major energy suppliers in the UK, are encouraging people to switch to smart thermostats. A few months ago, both companies offered smart thermostats devices for free to those who decided to sign up for their services.

3. Remote Power Management

On a daily basis, we don’t realise how much energy we’re actually using even when we don’t need it. We leave the lights on, electronics, appliances and other devices plugged in.

According to the Co-operative Energy, we can save up to £80 a year by simply switching off electronics, rather them leaving them on standby mode.

So even if you forget to turn off certain electronic devices before you left your home, you can control the power of your outlets through a smart device.

4. Smart Showerheads

We all love spending a few extra minutes in the shower, whether we want to relax in the evening or we need that extra boost in the morning.

The downside of this activity is that a lot of wasted water is going down the drain or money for that matter.

Smart showerheads are able to manage the water flow, so it helps you minimise the water consumption. Some devices will even display how many gallons of water you’ve actually used.

According to Express, the average water bill in the UK can go up to £405 for households per year, so a smart showerhead can truly be a money-saver.

What Type of Smart Home Technology Will You Be Using?

We hope this article will inspire you to take action and start saving money by taking advantage of smart home technology.

There are plenty of manufacturers you can choose from, so you can definitely find the device which suits your needs and your home environment.

Don’t forget to check our blog for more articles on smart homes.

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