It’s easy to be a little lax when it comes to Christmas security, especially when you know that Santa Claus is going to succeed at breaking in whatever you do. Here are some steps that you should consider taking in order to make yourself less likely to be a victim of malicious intruders, and to avoid the hassle and heartbreak that can entail.

1. Beware of bogus doorstep collectors. Christmas is a time of good cheer, and people can be more open to the idea of giving to charity. However, bogus doorstep collectors may be waiting to take advantage. Make sure they show identification and that it’s clear who they are representing; if you don’t trust the individual or the charity then make a donation at another time. Don’t bow to any pressure – it’s your home.
2. Don’t make your car an easy target. You shouldn’t leave purchases on show in your car, whether that’s in the footwell, on seats or in the back window. Avoid leaving presents in a car for a long period and, if you need to leave some in your car in a car park, then make sure it is a central one with visible CCTV.
3. Keep your presents secure at home. You should make sure your presents aren’t obvious targets to criminals peering in. They shouldn’t be visible from the front windows and, ideally, your Christmas tree and the gifts underneath shouldn’t be seen form windows altogether. Even consider not putting presents under the tree until the night before, or at least for the most valuable ones.
4. Be vigilant. Your vigilance can prevent crimes against yourself and others and be just as, if not more, useful than gadgets. Vigilance, therefore, shouldn’t be forgotten whether you’re rushing about or just relaxing. You should be wary of any vehicles or individuals that seem to be loitering, especially if they make a repeat visit to your area. If the latter, then you should consider calling the police.
5. Look out for vulnerable neighbours. There are also likely to be individuals in your neighbourhood who are vulnerable, such as elderly people. You consider warning them of the risks of distraction burglary, and give them your contact number in case they have any security concerns.
6. Take special steps if you’re going away. You might be away for Christmas, so make sure that your home doesn’t look unoccupied. You should get timers for your lights, make sure your grass is trimmed, and ensure valuables you can easily move are out of sight of burglars. You should also consider asking a trusted neighbour to park a car on your driveway, and giving them a key so they can move any post that collects.
7. Offer to return the favour if your neighbour helps you out. It’s not only polite to offer to return the favour, but it will help to encourage your neighbour to continue to look after your home security in future. Consider also giving your neighbours a gift if you have asked them to help with your home security!
8. Make sure your locks are up to scratch. It is a requirement of many insurers that you have at least one five-lever, British Standard mortice lock. However, you should aim to have these locks on all entrance doors, and you should make sure that your window locks are British Standard too.
9. Consider using gadgets and smart ruses to protect your home. You don’t necessarily need to splash out money on gadgets – a sign indicating a dog at the property could deter a burglar. A dummy alarm could also help, though a real one is preferable.
10. Have a lock up routine. This is really important to do to ensure that you don’t leave a weakness in your home security. At the end of every day you should check that all doors and windows and doors, including in garages and sheds, are secured by locks and bolts (if you have them).
We hope that our advice helps you feel confident that Santa should be the only person entering your home unannounced!. If you have any emergencies or would like work done to secure your home, then give us a call at 0800 0612 677 for a free, no obligation quote.