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Future Home Security through the Eyes of Google

At the beginning of July, the world caught a glimpse of what the future has in store for home security. Google registered six patents. And they became public. It seems that the company is developing a massive home automation system.

Apple already made a somehow similar presentation. They showed how their voice assistant, Siri, can be used to control your home.

Still, one shouldn’t forget that, back in May 2016, Google introduced an advanced home automation system for Android users.

All of this information helps us better imagine how our home will be safe in the future. Let’s see how the future could look like when it comes to home security:

home security

User Behaviour Tracking

One of Google’s patents describes an advanced system that will continuously track its users’ behaviour. It will understand when people are away – at work, for example.

It can also figure out where people are in the house and turn on the lights or adjust the thermostat accordingly.

That sounds like a great feature for future home security.

The system will be able to tell if somebody unknown is near the house as well. It will continually monitor doors and windows and report any intruders.

Home Security Control Panel

Google registered another patent that describes a next-generation control panel. The system will be able to communicate with other paired devices located inside the smart home. It will be able to sense when the user approaches and take specific actions.

It will react based on the specific parameters it reads. It will control interior lights. Also, it will have a microphone, and it will be able to execute vocal commands.

The user will be able to play music, lock the doors, open or close lights and much more, just by talking.

home security control pannel

Advanced Smart Sensors

It seems that Google is developing advanced smart sensors for their system. These will not just monitor the doors, but the windows as well. That is extremely useful, because over 40% of all burglaries happen because someone forgot to close a window.

It is not all about the sensors. The company also registered an entry point opening system. The package will include a next-generation compass, an accelerometer and an electromagnetic flux tag.

This way, the home security system will be able to notify the user if a window is still open. Moreover, the user will not be able to set the alarm until the problem is solved.

The patent doesn’t say anything about the system being able to open or close entryways. But it states that future features may be described at a later time.

smart home security

The future we’ve seen in Sci-Fi films is not here yet. Humanity still needs time to achieve such levels of technology development. But the future’s looking bright. Home security is becoming more and more efficient.

Smart locks already exist, and they are efficient. We can help you with the latest security systems for your house. You can contact us online if you have any questions or are looking for a quote.

If you enjoyed the information presented in this article make sure you share it with your friends. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news in home security.

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