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How To Protect Your Valuables For Free

Getting burgled can be an incredibly emotionally distressing experience, especially when valuable or sentimental belongings are lost.  Immobilise is a free online service, fully supported by the police (via the Secured by Design initiative), in association with the National Mobile Property Register (NMPR).  Subscribers can register their valuables with the database and add photos, descriptions etc. so that in the case of their property being stolen and then found by Police, it can easily be returned to them. With almost 30,000,000 items registered it is the world’s largest free property register and is used by all 43 Police forces in the UK.  It can also help greatly with insurance claims and crime reports as you have a way to show exactly what was taken and the preventative measures you had in place. You can register for free with the Immobilise service at  

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